Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 5th is Wintertyde Eve

This afternoon The Green Man saw a Verizon commercial that showed Christmas trees being loaded into a garbage truck. Perhaps a metaphor for those who are not lucky Wintertyders with an exciting new season of events about to begin! For tomorrow make sure you have your Hoppin' John ready to prepare for Wintertyde Day January 7th:
Toss in a quarter, and whoever gets it in a mouthful will have good luck in 2015! Next, your Wintertyde wreaths should be ready to be mounted at your entry and somewhere inside, if you wish. Also, your tabletop Wintertyde tree should be in place and ready to adorn with snowflake and holiday ornaments:
Start planning acivities for January, such as installing a bird feeder for your Wintertyde chickadees. Recall that your crosses go onto your wreaths and on the tree for Saint Brigit's Day on January 18th, so check on line for a nice one. The 18th gives you decorative lead-in time for February 1st.

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