Sunday, June 21, 2015

Summer solstice 2015 means 6 months until Wintertyde 2016

Time flies when having a good time. Looking at the calendar the autumn holidays will be here soon. Start making your Wintertyde preparations now to beat the holiday crunch. Most important items are your Wintertyde wreaths, your tree, and exterior clear lights. Remember the chickadees have to be fed and their feeder spruced up. Read other posts on the blog to learn how best to celebrate Wintertyde 2016. Photo courtesy:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy Saint Patrick's Day 2015 around the globe

Although Wintertyde 2015 ended officially on March 6th, Saint Patrick's Day, March 17th, provides a connector between the two holidays. We end Wintertyde on March 6th as that date brings Wintertyde at about a neat 60 day cycle. Also, by March 6th, Wintertyders are sick of Winter and are now looking ahead to Spring, which starts in 2015 on March 20th. So, you can see, that Saint Paddy's provides a perfect bridge. Decor-wise, your Wintertyde items, especially the front door wreath ought to be packed away for the year. However, it's a good idea to switch immediately into Saint Patrick's Day mode to forestall any the advent of any Winter blues still hanging around.
Courtesy To sum up we recommend the switch from Wintertyde to Saint Patrick's Day occur on March 7th or evening of the 6th. Then on March 18th, pack away the Saint Paddy's stuff, and switch into Springtime/Easter mode. These calendrical celebrations throughout the year provide a good, structured manner in which to pass through the seasons with a minimum of emotional torpor.

Friday, March 6, 2015

...and Wintertyde 2015 closes on a bright, snowy Winter day, March 6th

Wintertyde 2015 sped by, and Spring will be here shortly. Yes, check your Wintertyde calendar: March 6th is always the final day of Wintertyde each year. About that empty door...We simply go straight to Saint Patrick's Day on March 17th. When the Wintertyde wreath comes down, the Saint Paat's wreath goes up. This precludes any opening for "Winter blues."
Glad everyone made it through! Wintertyde will continue with posts occasionally during the "off-season."

Monday, March 2, 2015

Wintertyde 2015 wraps up on Friday February 6th. Are you prepared?

Yes, the final day of Wintertyde is February 6th. On this day remove your Wintertyde wreaths, and put them away for storage. Also, your Wintertyde tabletop tree comes down and gets packed up for the year. Wintertyde 2015 flew by...but then that's the idea: to make Winter speed by before it can entrap you in "Winter blues."
OK, trust you made a wonderful baked onion soup for Saint David's Day. Once Wintertyde is adopted by more people, there will be more to do with Saint David's Day, such as sending cards, etc. Accuweather says March first was the end of "meteorological Winter." I think this means temperature-wise. There's still a gap until the first day of Spring on March 20th. Fill this gap by switching into Saint Patrick's Day mode. Create wreaths wrapped in Kelly green with a bit of Ulster orange. Make sure one is ready to go up bright-tailed a bushy-eyed on March 7th, the day after the end of Wintertyde. Get yourself through Saint Pat's and Spring is a few more days afterward. You have survived Winter.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Saint David's Eve is tomorrow Saturday, February 28th. Prep those leeks and onions.

We are almost through the roughest part of Wintertyde: the final days of February, so we have a double reason to celebrate Saint David's Day as it falls on March 1st. Yippee! Then Wintertyde 2015 wraps up on March 6th. Spring is March 21st, so how do we fill the space in between? Celebrate the heck out of Saint Patrick's Day, March 17th. The popularity of SPD increases each year. OK, first let's deal with Saint David. Your Saint David's Day dragon ornament ought to be festooning your Wintertyde tree:
One ought to go on your Wintertyde wreaths, also. Celebrate both Eve and Day with Celtic music, beer, and onion dishes:
No falling into a pit of Winter blues on March 2nd as you shift immediately into Saint Patrick's Day mode even though it's not a Wintertyde holiday. Celebrate with green beer, more Celtic music, Saint Paddy's Day cuisine, etc: Your Saint Patrick's day wreath ought to go up on your front door on March 2nd. We stop Wintertyde on March 6th because the focus is now on the Spring month of March.

Friday, February 20, 2015

That difficult last week of February and how to get through it

By the time the scraggly end of February crawls in from the snow, many wonder when the weather will become more gentle as Spring approaches. Look at the short term picture for now. Saint David's Day arrives on March 1st, and although it's sedate compared to Chinese New Year (February 19th), remarkably both holidays feature back-to-back dragons by coincidence. Really. OK, keep Winter blues at bay this coming week by concentrating on the emotionally-significant date of March 1st. March's arrival gives hope that Winter will end. This weekend your Saint David's Day ornaments go onto your Wintertyde wreaths and onto your tree. We use the dragon:
Make your own or search on the Internet with "Saint David's Day ornaments." Here's one from
Meanwhile, consider making some kind of onion soup for that day as leeks are a Welsh symbol. Learn more here: Wintertyde 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year 2015!

Wintertyde has decided to add Chinese New Year to the list of celebrated Wintertyde holidays. As February exits, all the diversion and celebration one can get is helpful. Today, you take your family out for Chinese food, and what a perfect day for it!
Read more here: and here:
Wintertyde 2015

Remember to keep pets indoors and chickadees fed

The last of February has been continuing to bring harsh, cold weather weather to vulnerable parts of the USA and Canada. If you're a Wintertyder, you'll know to keep pets warm, safe, and fed during challenging weather events with snow, ice, and wind chill. Keep your bird feeders filled during these finals gasps of Winter so that Winter birds have a source of food. They need it to stay safe and warm as all the protection they have is fluffed feathers.
Chickadees prefer sunflower seeds and suet. Read more here:

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mardi Gras greetings 2015!

Snowstorms have spun out to sea, and now's the time to make Zatarain and celebrate.
Recall it's also "Pancake Tuesday.": Wintertyde 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Enjoy Saint Valentine's Day and stay busy

Saint Valentine's Day often stirs up emotions that may not be pleasant. The best remedy is simply to embrace the holiday and celebrate it to the max with family and friends. Eat lots of chocolate, also, as it has anti-depressant qualities. Now, there's no time for "Winter blues" after Saint Valentine's Day as you have an action-packed week coming up quick. February 17th is Mardi Gras and the 19th is Chinese New Year. Fix New Orleans cuisine at home for the former, and go out to a Chinese restaurant for the latter. You can do this. Keep your Wintertyde wreaths and your tree up to date as the holidays come and go. Wintertyde 2015

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Making it through the last 2 weeks of February

Wintertyders know that statistically the final 2 weeks of February are notorious for cases of "Winter blues." Stay busy and diverted! Once you get through Saint Valentine's Day on the 14th,
move straight ahead quickly to Mardi Gras on the 17th.
Food helps cheer spirits so eat well: lots of antidepressive chocolate, tons of New Orleans and Cajun food for Mardi Gras (Google Zatarain.)
Hot of the heels of Mardi Gras comes Chinese New Year on the 19th. Brave the weather and go celebrate at a Chinese restaurant.
It's not an official Wintertyde holiday although we are rethinking its status.
OK, now you have a mere 9 days to get through to Saint David's Day on March 1st, the final day of Wintertyde on March 6th along with the upcoming Saint Patrick's Day on March 17th and the First Day of Spring on March 21st. You can do this even with blizzards raging outside.
Also, read this:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Fast on the heels of Saint Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th) Mardi Gras arrives on February 17th. Be ready.

No time for Winter blues on the day after Saint Valentine's Day. Pack away the hearts, and next get started on your Mardi Gras plans. What we do is a good model. All Valentines are gone on February 15th from your wreaths, etc., and replaced with Mardi Gras beads, King's coins, and anything else appropriate goes up on the 15th as the hearts come down. After your decorations are in order with your Wintertyde wreaths and your Wintertyde tree, make plans for Mardi Gras food and music. We fix Zararain items such as Jambalaya or red beans and rice: We use pepperoni sausage for the meat. Incredibly delicious. Search your bakery for a King's cake for dessert: We accompany King's cake with Cafe du Monde chcikory coffee: For music try Pete Fountain for Dixieland and the Neville Brothers for traditional second line.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Saint Valentine's Day is fewer than 2 weeks away, Prepare now

Saint Valentine's Day falls on February 14th, and all of your Wintertyde hearts and decor ought to go up now. This means hearts in your Wintertyde wreaths as well as a heart ornament for your Wintertyde tree. Gifts include chocolates and flowers, but adding in a gift certificate from White Flower Farms is a gift that gives each year as plants. More:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

4-holiday weekend coming up!

January 2015 has flown by, and Midwinter approaches. To celebrate the "light at the end of the Winter tunnel" we have a 4-day holiday weekend extending over February 1st and 2nd: Saint Brigit's Day, Super Bowl 49, Candlemas, and Ground Hog Day. Wintertyders who have read through previous boasts know how to celebrate, so this post is simply a reminder.
Recall that we suggest starting to celebrate Midwinter on January 30th to extend festivities (Super Bowl Weekend really begins on Friday, January 30th.) Get your ornaments on your Wintertyde tree if you have not already, and get food and drinks. We suggest Irish stew, Celtic music, and green beer for January 31st, then traditional items such as Buffalo wings and pizza for February 1st, Super Bowl Sunday. Next, Monday light your five or three pillar candle arrangement, and prepare buckwheat pancakes and pork sausage for Fenruary 2nd, Candlemas and Ground Hog Day.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Today is "Blue Monday,"and a perfect day for Wintertyde activities

Here's an interesting article with suggestions on coping with today, the third Monday of January, which investigators have determined is "the most depressing day of the year." For Wintertyders, today is the busiest Monday of January as they prepare for a FOUR-event holiday weekend at the end of the month. Read the previous post for today to learn what you can do to stay occupied, diverted, and happy.

Super Bowl 49 falls on February 1st!

The Seattle Seahawks will play the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 49 on February 1st. These 2 teams emerged as Conference champions after yesterday's thrilling games. In any event, no matter how you feel about the Super Bowl, it has become a national, if not international, holiday. Make your plans ASAP for food, drinks, and fun. Order your Super Bowl party supplies ASAP from a licensed dealer such as Party City As February 1st is rapidly approaching, you may have to have a rush put on your order. Order today. OK, as readers know Wintertyde has FOUR holiday falling on February 1st and 2nd! Saint Brigit's Day, Super Bowl 49, Candlemas, and Ground Hog Day. Super Bowl Weekend celebration really sttarts on Friday December 30th. We suggest that you celebrate St. Brigit's Day on Friday or Saturday with a hearty Irish stew, green beer, and some Celtic music. This plan leaves Super Bowl Sunday February 1st completely open for Buffalo wings, beer, and pizza without competition from Irish stew. Candlemas on Monday February 2nd celebrates the midwinter and the return of more sunlight. A simple arrangement of 3 or 5 pillars candles to be lit at 6PM suffices:
Finally, February 2nd is also Ground Hog Day. Watch the film in the evening. We serve buckwheat pancakes and pork sausage for dinner. After all, it's "ground hog." OK, there's your basic planner! Have a great time!